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Membership date

  • 6/29/13


Hey you guys! I'm A proud junior in high school, Flower child, Animal lover, Pescetarian, Awkward turtle, Awkward duckling, Awkward chicken, Star Wars nut, Transformers (the 80s ones) nut, TMNT (the 80's ones) nut, Batman (from 60s to now) nut, Teenage Dirtbag, Music addict, Girl who makes art out of everything including her phone, Band geek, Clarinet enthusiast, Humane Society volunteer, and Last Airbender/Legend of Korra fan

I obviously love making bracelets, especially ones that represent my nicknames and my friends. I'm always super busy when it comes to school and band and band and school. And more band 😅 I'll try to do some more bracelet-ing with my free time though. That's about it